Friday, June 27, 2008

Helmet selection

People down play the importance of selecting a good helmet. It's like those car insurance commercials where they ask people how long they've researched buying their car, and then how long they've researched purchasing their car insurance. Scooters (<50cc's anyways) don't have insurance. So ha, suckers. (More on the economics of ownership in a future post). But it's important to determine what kind of scooter helmet you want. Do you want to look cool? Or do you what to not die? Some people sport the o'l german WW II type half helmets. They wear'em with sunglasses, and look damn cool. I went for a full size matching bright yellow icon mainframe helmet with flames and tinted visor. Badass? To say the least. It also protects my entire head, so if I get into an accident I actually have a chance of survival. Also no bugs in the face & mouth. It also hides my face so people can't recognize me and/or see if I'm checking them out. So finding your style of helmet is no simple task, and should be thought out as well. Caveat: you still have to keep in mind you're not on a motorcycle, henceforth if you have small scooter, you might look kinda silly driving a small scooter with a big helmet on.


mcdisco said...

1: I was directed here by one Ms. Tong (with whom I maintain a regular and frequent correspondence).

2: Something about this blog pisses me off, but I can't figure out what.

3: I figured out what: it's a blog.

4: Destroy this unholy monstrosity before it becomes more powerful than its creator.

5: These are my orders.

Boston Scooter Guy said...

Uh, I believe you had a blog long before we did?

Stay tuned for more know you're addicted already.

Another Torres said...

ray, perhaps you can discuss some of the pros and cons of the hair-met?